Upon acceptance into the Dental Hygiene Program students will be notified regarding a mandatory online OSHA Blood-Borne Pathogen and Standard Precautions training session. This must be complete prior to the start of the program.
The charter of OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration) is to prevent work-related injuries, illnesses, and deaths. Since OSHA was created in 1971, work-related deaths have decreased by approximately 62% and work- related injuries have decreased by 42%.
As a Dental Hygiene student you can expect exposure to blood, body tissues and fluids. There is the potential of exposure to electrical hazards, hazardous waste materials, radiation, poisonous substances, chemicals, loud or unpleasant noises and high stress emergency situations. Students enrolled in the Dental Hygiene Program are at a slight risk for exposure to blood and body fluids and the potential does exist for transmission of blood-borne and other infectious diseases during patient care activities. The risk of HIV disease transmission from dental patients to members of the dental team are extremely low. Nevertheless, there is some small potential for this to occur. The Americans with Disabilities Act forbids discrimination against patients with HIV; therefore, students are required to treat all patients assigned, regardless of the disease state of the patient.
Applicants/students who are HIV/AIDS or HBV (Hepatitis) positive will not be barred from attending classes or clinic or participating in college sponsored activities, unless the applicant/student is unable to follow *Standard Precautions. All decisions will be made on a case-by-case basis. (*Standard Precautions are defined as: Consideration of all patients as being infected with pathogens and therefore applying infection control procedures to the care of all patients.)